

作者:Tatjana Dzamov


我们脸上和身上的瑕疵有各种各样的原因 & 不同的澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网


痤疮. 青春痘. 脓疱.

不管我们怎么称呼它, these irritated areas of bacteria buildup can be a major source of insecurity and even discomfort for some patients. 我们能感觉到他们来了, 他们出现了, 生气会让我们感觉不到最好的自己. 我们应该把它们打开吗?? 我们应该在上面涂点什么吗? 我们应该不管他们吗? 我们能做些什么来防止下一次发生呢?

Our experts are here to help you get a hold of your unique skincare situation and live a more confident daily life. 现在,让我们深入你的内心! 



  • 饮食
  • 睡眠不好
  • 不正确的护肤澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网
  • 不平衡的激素
  • 力量训练的增加
  • 遗传学 
  • 潜在的病毒

“Most people have been exposed to Strep and it can live in the body without appearing as Strep Throat. 当一个人吃了很多鸡蛋, 乳制品和糖是三种常见的诱发食物,它会使痤疮发炎. If the virus is already present and you already have acne, this diet can make things much worse.” 

Tatjana Dzamov


你可以有常规的脓疱,也可以有全面的囊性痤疮——大的, 红色的, 愤怒和痛苦的人. 这通常涉及非常深的感染. Many patients believe they can just squeeze it all out and clean it, but you should not. This type of acne should never be messed with because all you’re doing is pushing the infection deeper and deeper into the skin.

Surgical intervention may be used in some severe cases to surgically remove the infection before it spreads further.  


这些小瑕疵的主要驱动因素就是荷尔蒙. 胸部痤疮通常像面部痤疮一样发展和消退, 但是衣服的摩擦, 过度出汗, 不充分的清洁和一些化妆品可能会使情况变得更糟. 

“对于我们女性来说,我们使用各种护发产品,包括护发素. 在淋浴时, conditioner can run down the back and the chest; if this isn’t properly cleansed or exfoliated after, then it can accumulate in the pores which creates a build-up of bacteria and a perfect storm for acne.” 

Tatjana Dzamov


这可能表明最近的行为或生活方式发生了变化. 饮食ary disruptions, such as a large intake of alcohol or added sugar, can cause us to break out. The introduction of a new skincare or makeup product is often a culprit when it comes to spontaneous acne. 患者在食用前应注意对羟基苯甲酸酯和合成香料, 把它们吸进去或者涂在皮肤上. 

“很多标签上都写着‘天然’,但这个词已经失去了意义. 它经常被用来掩盖产品的实际成分. 作为专业人士, we need to step in to help educate consumers and get them to question what’s in their food and their skincare products.” 

Tatjana Dzamov



如果你正在经历因痤疮引起的色素沉着,那么 微针BBL澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网和化学换肤都有帮助.

Many patients mistake permanent scarring for temporary hyperpigmentation due to acne that has healed or is still healing. 如果你感到更忧郁, 紫色或红色的色素沉着, 它可能会自行消失. You’re still in the healing process but the inflammation is so deep that it takes more time.

“These are all effective methods when it comes to treating acne but you still have to address the underlying cause. No matter how much product you use or how many treatments you do, the skin can always inflame again.”

Tatjana Dzamov

家庭护理 & 保养


正确的护肤养生法 你对抗面部和身体痤疮的最大防线是什么. In fact, we really should spend as much time and effort on our bodies as we do our faces.

  • 这一切都始于清洁和使用过氧化苯甲酰沐浴露. 痤疮 pads with glycolic and salicylic acid are also critical to this equation because they can exfoliate the skin, 液化多余的油脂,杀死引起粉刺的细菌. 你也应该避免使用含有刺激性硫酸盐的产品. 
  • 下一步是水合作用.  Lock in the moisture by using a product that contains hyaluronic acid, glycerin,/or ceramides.
  • 最后一个阶段是保护. 可悲的是, the sun is not your skin’s friend and you should use a lightweight sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher throughout the entire year to protect against UV exposure. 



You’re going to have a persistent problem on your hands and your skin will continue to be inflamed. And because we tend to pick at our skin, this neglect can lead to permanent scarring. 


在正确的人手中, 微针 combined with a chemical peel can be a phenomenal treatment for acne and acne scars. 然而,微针并不能应用于所有的区域. 这就是 莫斐斯开始发挥作用. This effective treatment deploys a series of needles and radiofrequency into the skin to generate more collagen, 收紧皮肤, 乳化脂肪,最终减少疤痕的出现. 

Some BroadBand Laser treatments (BBL) can be used on scarring but must be avoided by patients with darker skin tones.



我们的食物与我们的外表、感觉和皮肤反应有很大关系. The following are some of the most common, diet-based irritants that can cause pimples: 

  • Dairy: Too much dairy can cause the body to produce an excess amount of oil which will clog the pores 
  • Sugar: Too much sugar can cause a lot of inflammation and glycation that breaks down collagen and elastin fibers
  • 咖啡因:虽然咖啡因确实会增加皮质醇, that is not a driver of greater inflammation; the real culprit with caffeine is its ability to cause increased oil production in the skin
  • Alcohol: Drinking alcohol can directly contribute to a change in hormones; a rapid change in hormones can trigger acne


High testosterone can cause acne – but this goes beyond just simply measuring your current levels. 可能有两个澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台的睾丸激素水平相同, 但一个人可能会以某种方式分解这种激素,使其变得更强. 这些人更容易长粉刺. 

雌激素主导也会导致痘痘. 雌激素优势的症状通常反映了这些 与经前综合症(PMS)相关包括月经过多、腹胀、疼痛、易怒、乳房柔软等. 


一般来说,出汗对排毒很有帮助. But if you sit in your sweat or don’t wipe down your equipment, you may experience an acne breakout. 

举重的人往往有更严重的炎症. 尝试瑜伽, dabbling in meditation and focusing on lighter weights with more reps can lead to less impact on our joints which also 红色的uces inflammation. 


如果你试着改变你的饮食,但仍然没有看到缓解, 这个问题可能是由于肠道细菌的不平衡或 生态失调. 如果你有食物过敏和粉刺, 肠道健康测试可以帮助你确定问题的根本原因. 


我们不是由基因决定的! We actually have control over about 80% of our genes and use epigenetics (diet and lifestyle) to essentially turn them on and off. 而我们的基因确实在皮肤的外观上起着作用, 感觉和反应, we have a number of excellent tools at our disposal to counteract what our parents gave us.

其他生活方式选择 & 能产生影响的习惯:

  • 用缎面枕套 
  • 避免吸烟 
  • 远离晒黑床
  • 别老是摸你的脸 
  • 保持水分 
  • 减轻压力! 

Tatjana & Dr. 作者简介


Tatjana Dzamov 是唐纳森整形外科的资深医学美学专家. 拥有25年以上的工作经验, she is our resident expert and helps patients handle their acne issues on a daily basis through professional treatments and custom skincare regimens.

Dr. 玛格丽特韦斯顿 是我们内部的功能医学专家吗. 从事运动医学和家庭医疗, 她深谙某些生活方式和饮食选择如何影响我们的身体. Dr. Weston routinely creates specialized wellness plans that get to the root cause of patient pain points, 有时包括痘痘. 

