

作者:Tatjana Dzamov


突破障碍 & 提升你的护肤游戏


对美丽皮肤的追求将我们带到了有趣的地方. Some folks are willing to try putting bee venom on their faces to stimulate collagen production, while others find themselves Google searching places they can pick up snail slime to reduce free radicals. 在唐纳森整形外科, we pride ourselves on staying on top of budding beauty trends before they become mainstream so we can help our patients determine if 一些thing is right for them, 对他们来说是错误的,或者只是彻头彻尾的古怪! 

近年来出现的一种护肤“时尚”是滚皮. 我们可以放心地说,这个确实有效,但是它 depend on your expectations and what exactly you’re trying to accomplish with the handheld device. 


Dermarolling works by using a system of tiny stainless steel or titanium needles to glide over the outermost layer of skin and penetrate the surface. The micro-channels created by the needles allow for topical medical-grade skincare to penetrate past the first layer, 让他们更有效率


“你的皮肤是一道屏障,它正在发挥它的作用. Healthy skin keeps things out but we really want these great medical ingredients to go into the skin. The Environ dermal roller creates these tiny microchannels after you just roll it on the skin. After that, I’ll put on my serums and maybe a mask – depending on what I’m feeling that day.”

——美学体验总监吉尔·霍金斯 她最近接受了AmSpa医疗Spa内幕播客的采访


Perhaps the most instant benefit of using a derma roller is its exfoliation capabilities. 每一笔都能去除死皮和暗皮细胞, 为新细胞的形成和发光让路. 旧的去了,新的来了!


我们的生物修复过程可以做一些惊人的事情! 当在头皮或胡须区域使用真皮辊时, 你实际上是在现有的毛囊附近制造微撕裂. To heal these “injuries,” the body sends nutrient-rich blood to the site which promotes hair growth. 

尽量减少妊娠纹的出现 & 伤疤

当真皮滚轮滑过疤痕或妊娠纹时, 它能分解位于皮肤表层的胶原蛋白团块. 你的身体, 然后, 进入修复过程,增加血液流动和胶原蛋白的产生, 使皮肤更光滑. 

It is important to remember that the size of needles you should use depends heavily on your unique circumstances. Lighter scars and blemishes call for 1mm needles, whereas deeper scars typically require 1.5mm的针来观察影响. 

清洁 & 功效:正确使用护肤辊的步骤

  1. 对滚筒进行消毒
  2. 清洗皮肤的指定区域
  3. 开始滚动:
    • 朝一个方向滚动
    • 一到终点就把它举起来
    • 再重复6-7次
    • 垂直滚动到第一个轨道 & 遵循步骤2 - 3 
  4. 再次清洗该区域
  5. 清洁 & 在存放前对滚筒进行消毒
  6. 继续你平常的护肤方法


如你所见,这些小工具用途广泛! 虽然你可能会受到启发,开始行动, 重要的是要记住,真皮卷筒的质量差别很大.

We were able to quickly find one on Amazon for as little as $8 but with low-cost options like these come 一些 safety concerns. There is a risk of breakouts and even bacterial infections if you cannot easily and comprehensively clean your roller or if it is built using low-quality metals. 一些价值品牌的滚筒很快变钝,这大大降低了它们的功效. 你还需要确保针的长度适合你 你具体的护肤目标

Environ是我们首选的护肤辊品牌 由于它的多功能性,寿命和手术级材料. 

专业级别澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网之间的差异 & 家用护肤卷 

我们支持真皮卷,因为它们把控制权交还给了我们的澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台. They work great as a preventative skin care measure and show 一些 decent effectiveness in mild situations. Proper usage can also prolong the great results you experience from the non-surgical procedures we perform. 也就是说,我们不建议使用针头超过 .2毫米,因为它们可能导致出血, which is what causes collagen induction and this should only be done at a medical practice by a provider.

There is also a stark difference between at-home derma rolling and professional-level treatments. Our providers have access to medical-grade technology that is more effective than what you can pick up in stores or on Amazon. These experts also routinely undergo rigorous training to ensure they’re always using the most advanced techniques the industry has to offer. Their dedication to the craft is matched only by how diligently they work with each patient to deliver incredible, 更可持续的结果. 


微针:获得皮肤辊效果,但更快 & 更好的

而零售的真皮卷可以去除死皮细胞,并导致 一些 增加胶原蛋白的生成,没有什么能比得上 微针的效力和威力. This treatment is completely customized to your skin and uses longer needles to get deeper into the skin, 产生更多的胶原蛋白, 更多的弹性蛋白, more blood flow and an all-around more noticeable end result – without having to remember to roll every 3 days (wait or was it once every week?). 

身体会对这种澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网做出反应,并努力治愈这些微伤口. 这样做的时候, new blood vessels are formed in the impacted area and collagen production is ramped up – 有时高达400%


Dermaplaning involves the use of a surgical blade to remove the entire top layer of skin, 包括泥土, 死细胞和“桃毛”.这句话之后通常会有一句 化学活皮 或其他 放松面部护理. 别担心:我们会掀开皮肤的所有部位. 先把那层弄掉, 我们让你的皮肤充分吸收营养. 

使用激光平滑纹理 & 平衡色素沉着

揉皮可以帮助抚平细纹, reduce acne scars and fix hyperpigmentation but it often requires months of diligence to get desired results. 即便如此,你可能也看不清自己到底想要什么. Halo™ Laser 皮肤表面重修 is an innovative anti-aging option that uses two different lasers to help you reach your goals within 2 to 5 days of treatment. Not only 做 Halo work faster, but the results also last substantially longer with less upkeep. 


Many patients come across derma rolling as they’re researching ways to either maintain their current hair or stimulate new growth. 虽然该工具可以提供一些帮助周围的边缘, 在你的努力背后有一些额外的火力是有帮助的! One way to do that is by using your own platelet-rich plasma to reinvigorate dying follicles. 训练有素的头发修复专家 能否安全地抽取你的血液, centrifuge it to sort out the various components and inject the nutrient-dense plasma back into areas of thinning to help you retain what you’ve got – and even inspire 一些 additional growth. 



Our experts are on standby to help further explain the proper technique when it comes to derma rolling and the benefits that can come from routine usage. Looking to skip the daily routine and jump right into incredible results from any of our medspa treatments? 我们也可以帮你! 

